04 Nov

9 Forex Investing Rules Any Trader Should Know

Practice and discipline are used by the finest trader to develop their talents. They also conduct self-analysis to see what motivates their trades and how to eliminate fear and greed from the mix. These are the abilities that any forex trader should hone.


Forex trading is a terrific method to diversify a portfolio or profit from certain FX tactics. Beginners and seasoned forex traders must remember that getting and staying ahead requires practice, knowledge, and discipline. We’ve compiled a list of 9 forex investing rules to bear in mind when considering currency trading.


1. Define Your Objectives And Trading Style


Developing a trading strategy is an important part of being a good trader. Your profit goals, risk tolerance level, methodology, and evaluation criteria should all be included. Once you’ve created a strategy, double-check that each deal you’re considering fits inside the parameters of your strategy. Remember that you’re most rational before you make a deal and most irrational after you’ve made it.


Gains can turn into losses in the currency market in a matter of minutes. As a result, you must learn how to defend yourself. Let’s face it: there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing your trade go up 30 points one minute and then fully reverse and take out your stop 40 points down the next. You must act quickly, almost as quickly as the markets. Before embarking on any journey, it’s critical to have a rough notion of where you’re going and how you’ll get there. As a result, it’s critical to set specific objectives and then make sure your trading strategy can help you achieve them. Each trading style has its own risk profile, which necessitates a specific mindset and approach in order to trade successfully.


The importance of learning about the currency market cannot be overstated. Take the time to learn about currency pairs and how they are affected before jeopardizing your own money; it’s a time investment that might save you a lot of money.


For example, if you can’t function with an open position in the market, you might want to consider day trading. You may be more of a position trader if you have funds that you believe will benefit from the appreciation of a transaction over a period of months. Just make sure your personality is compatible with the type of trading you do. Stress and certain losses will result from a personality mismatch.



The Trading Platform And The Broker


The importance of selecting a reputable broker cannot be overstated, and spending time researching the differences between brokers will be extremely beneficial. You must be familiar with each broker’s policies and procedures for making a market. Trading in the over-the-counter market, also known as the spot market, differs from trading in exchange-driven markets.


Also, confirm that your broker’s trading platform is appropriate for the analysis you intend to conduct. If you like to trade Fibonacci numbers, for example, be sure your broker’s software can draw Fibonacci lines. A good broker on a bad platform, or a good platform on a bad broker, can be problematic. Ensure that you receive the best of both worlds.



A Methodology That Is Consistent


Before you enter any market as a trader, you must first determine how you will execute your trades. You must know what facts you’ll need to make an informed decision on whether to enter or exit a trade. To choose the optimal time to make a transaction, some traders choose to examine the economy’s underlying fundamentals and charts. Others rely solely on statistical analysis.


Whatever methodology you use, be consistent and make sure it’s adaptable. Your system should be able to adapt to shifting market circumstances.



2. Determine The Points Of Entry And Exit


When looking at charts in several timeframes, many traders become perplexed by conflicting information. On a weekly chart, what appears to be a buying opportunity could be a sell signal on an intraday chart.


As a result, if you’re getting your basic trading direction from a weekly chart and timing your trades with a daily chart, make sure the two are in sync. To put it another way, if the weekly chart is indicating a buy signal, wait until the daily chart verifies it. Make sure you’re on the same page with your timing.



3. Calculate Your Probability


When a strong army confronts a weak army, the chances are substantially skewed in favor of the strong force. This is the strategy you should take to trading. Maintain the equilibrium and the odds in your favor. The formula you use to determine how trustworthy your system is called expectancy. You should go back in time and assess all of your winnings and losing deals, then calculate how profitable your winning trades were compared to how much money you lost on your losing trades. It’s all about the timing in Forex. Trust your eyes, respect the market, and apply a small stop if the price action moves against you, even if the reasons for your trade remain true. Being correct and early in the currency market is the same as being incorrect. Remember that when the markets move, you should move with them.


Examine your most recent ten trades. If you haven’t yet made any trades, go back to your chart and look for where your system said you should enter and exit a trade. Determine whether you would have made a profit or a loss if you had done it differently. Make a note of your findings.



4. The Ratio Of Risk To Reward


Before you start trading, you should figure out how much risk you’re willing to take on each deal and how much money you can actually make. A risk-reward ratio can assist traders to determine whether they have a probability of making money in the long run. The difference between scaling in and adding to a loser is your initial intent before you place the deal. It is not a good idea to add to a losing position that has gone beyond the point of your original risk. However, there are situations when adding to a losing position is the best course of action.

Scaling in is a strategy that is used when your final goal is to buy a 100,000 lot and you construct a position in clips of 10,000 lots to acquire a higher average price.



5. Stop-Loss Orders


Stop-loss orders, which exit a position at a predetermined exchange rate, can help to reduce risk. Stop-loss orders are an important forex risk management strategy because they allow traders to limit their risk per trade and avoid large losses.


Assume the trader had a very broad stop-loss order for each transaction, suggesting they were willing to risk losing $1,200 per trade but still make $600 every winning trade, as in the case above. Two winning trades could be wiped out by a single loss. To make up for losses incurred as a result of being stopped out by adverse market movements, the trader would need a significantly greater and implausible winning percentage.


Although having a good trading strategy on a percentage basis is vital, controlling risk and potential losses is also necessary to avoid your brokerage account being wiped out.


There will be instances when you don’t understand the market’s price activity.

It is usually preferable to take a step back and not trade if you do not understand what is going on in the market. You won’t have to make excuses for why you blew up your account this way. It’s permissible to suffer a 10% drawdown if it’s the consequence of five consecutive losing transactions that were each stopped out at a 2% loss.

However, losing 10% on a single trade because the trader refused to cut his losses is unforgivable.



6. Small Losses And Concentration


Never risk your entire account on a single deal, and always use risk control measures. Many traders only put 3.2 percent of their money at risk with each deal. Depending on their maximum tolerable drawdown, anyone can calculate their own percent of risk per trade. Also, select an appropriate win/loss ratio – a general rule is that the win/loss ratio should be equal to or greater than 2:1. Let’s pretend your average winner is $30 and your average loser is $15 to keep things simple. That gives you a 2:1 chance of winning, meaning that for every dollar you risk, you have a chance of winning twice as much. The most crucial thing to understand once you’ve filled your account is that your money is at risk. As a result, your funds should not be required for day-to-day living expenses. Consider your trading funds as vacation funds. Your money is spent once the vacation is over. Have the same mindset when it comes to trading. This will mentally prepare you to accept tiny losses, which is essential for risk management. You will be far more effective if you concentrate on your trades and accept tiny losses rather than continuously counting your equity.

The risk of loss is always present when real money is exchanged. As a result, you should base your trades on well-thought-out strategies and methods. Stay focused on technical and fundamental indicators, as well as market news, to avoid being driven by your emotions.



7. Loops Of Positive Feedback


A well-executed trade in accordance with your plan results in a positive feedback loop. When you prepare and execute a trade properly, you create a positive feedback loop. Success generates success, which breeds confidence, especially in profitable trades. You will be creating a positive feedback loop even if you suffer a modest loss but do so in accordance with a planned deal.



8. Conduct A Weekend Analysis


Examine weekly charts over the weekend, when the markets are closed, for patterns or news that could affect your trade. Perhaps a double top is forming, and the pundits and the news are predicting a market reversal. This is a form of reflexivity in which a pattern may prompt pundits, who then reinforce the pattern. You will develop your best ideas in the calm light of objectivity. Learn to wait for your setups and to be patient.



9. Maintain A Paper Record


A printed document is an excellent tool for learning. Print a chart and make a list of all the reasons for the transaction, including any fundamentals that influence your decision. Mark your entry and exit positions on the chart. Fill up the blanks on the chart with any relevant information, including emotional motivations for taking action. Did you feel frightened? Were you a little too greedy? Did you have a lot of anxiety? Only by being able to objectify your trades will you be able to build the mental control and discipline to execute according to your system rather than your emotions or habits.



Final Thoughts


Although no forex investing rules can guarantee success, some can be used as recommendations. Your chances of success are much higher if you learn from the experiences of accomplished forex strategists. When evaluating the results of any system or expert, keep in mind that past success is not a good predictor of future outcomes. The techniques outlined above will help you develop an organized trading approach and help you become a more polished trader. Trading is an art, and the only way to improve your skills is to practice consistently and systematically.



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